Should you keep savings in cash or invest?

With top-paying savings accounts in the UK now paying around 4% interest, and with cash rates for one-year fixed term accounts going as high as 5%, many consumers are now wondering whether they should simply hold onto their cash savings rather than investing. To help clients with this tricky issue, we have looked to [...]

Should you keep savings in cash or invest?2023-07-26T14:44:58+00:00

Dangers of moving your investments into cash

As markets unravelled, there were few places for investors to hide. As coronavirus spread and war persisted in Ukraine, equity markets sold off indiscriminately, causing many panicked investors to sell riskier assets in exchange for cash. During times of crisis, many investors who’ve worked their whole lives saving for retirement start thinking about what [...]

Dangers of moving your investments into cash2022-07-20T14:17:15+00:00
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