Should you keep savings in cash or invest?

With top-paying savings accounts in the UK now paying around 4% interest, and with cash rates for one-year fixed term accounts going as high as 5%, many consumers are now wondering whether they should simply hold onto their cash savings rather than investing. To help clients with this tricky issue, we have looked to [...]

Should you keep savings in cash or invest?2023-07-26T14:44:58+00:00

Why long-term investing is the wisest strategy

Investing for the long term gives your money the greatest chance of growing in value. But this means keeping calm during periods of significant stock market volatility – and remembering that, as history shows, markets typically recover. Here are three reasons why investing over the long term is the wisest strategy. [...]

Why long-term investing is the wisest strategy2023-02-13T12:26:47+00:00

The top 10 investment mistakes to avoid

Everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives. Some are relatively minor, like accidentally hitting ‘reply all’ and broadcasting a message to your colleagues. Others can have more long-lasting consequences, and this is especially the case when it comes to your investments. Making a mistake with your investments could set you back hundreds, [...]

The top 10 investment mistakes to avoid2023-02-13T11:33:27+00:00
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